onsdag den 14. november 2007

Ultrasonic Liposuction

Ultrasonic liposuction or UAL (Ultrasonically Assisted Lipoplasty) is an advanced procedure for removing fat. Ultrasonic liposuction is often more efficient and effective than traditional methods of liposuction. By the use of ultrasonic liposuction to break up the fat cells the surgeon can easily remove more fat. Ultrasonic liposuction uses "ultrasonic energy" to break up the fat cells in a specific area and converting these into oil. The areas involved are usually the upper abdomen, hips, flanks, back and areas where a liposuction has been performed before.

The Procedure of Ultrasonic Liposuction
For ultrasonic liposuction a generator is used and just as in traditional liposuction it involves a vacuum, but it's specifically designed for ultrasonic liposuction. Tumescent fluids are injected into the fatty areas for a better identification when performing the ultrasonic liposuction . The generator and suction vacuum is then equipped with a canula with an ultrasonic probe. When the canula passes through the fat, the fat cells break down and convert into oil by the energy from the ultrasonic liposuction. When the oil blend with the tumescent fluids it forms a mixture that easily can be sucked out through the canula.

It important to understand that ultrasonic liposuction is not considered a replacement for traditional liposuction, but ultrasonic liposuction is used in conjunction with traditional procedures, because ultrasonic liposuction can easily reduce or treat areas of fat that is difficult to remove when performing a traditional liposuction.

The Risks of Ultrasonic Liposuction.
When comparing ultrasonic liposuction with traditional liposuction there are more risks involved. The risks include:

· Blood clots
· Injury to the sensory nerves
· Burning of the patient's skin
· Possible scarring from the burns

The use of ultrasonic energy for liposuction is pretty new so many of the long term risks are not yet known. Some studies have shown a relationship between exposure to ultrasound and damage to the peripheral nerves, especially in sensitive areas like the face and the neck.
Despite the risks involved in the use of ultrasonic liposuction, it's still growing because it can help remove more fat than the traditional methods of liposuction. The cost of ultrasonic liposuction is higher than traditional liposuction, because the equipment used costs more. However ultrasonic liposuction may be worth it, especially if you need a lot of fat removed in areas like the back and upper abdomen. Usually the areas men need done are the ones that benefit from the use of ultrasonic liposuction. However the results may be worth the added risks of ultrasonic liposuction whether you are male or female.

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